Families are like FUDGE- Mostly sweet with a few NUTS!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

St Patty's day Celebration!

Luck of The IRISH!

St Patricks day was once again celebrated in the Russell house!  And although I didn't put up any decorations,  (I know GASP!!!  )  We Russell's celebrated our Irish heritage with GREEN food!

My new addiction is Pintrest.... It rocks!!! And for those not yet aboard the PINTREST train, It is a bookmarking site... meaning you can tag pictures/articles/ideas etc and collect them online "boards".  I found a tonne of GREEN ideas and look at what I came up with :)


Yes those are GREEN SHAMROCK pancakes... I know I'm awesome!  And what is even more awesome... is that I had stupidly given my 'green food coloring' to my friend this weekend.  SO I colored these pancakes with BABY SPINACH pureed!  Yep... I'm amazing ;)

Thanks to PINTREST Clayton got to make a 'rainbow' fruit plate :)
And yes those are GREEN sparkle shamrock shapes on my Pancake... I cut a quick template from a scrap piece of paper and sprinkled away!  Super easy :)

And super tasty!  William informed us that the sprinkles were "very tasty!"


I actually did use Green Food coloring a couple days before when I baked my St Patrick Chocolate cookies!

This was our snack, Green cookies and Green Fruit shake (PINTREST AGAIN!)  The Fruit shake was colored using the spinach leaves... and I'm not kidding when I say you don't taste the spinach!


What is more IRISH then Beef and Potatoes? 
Nothing!  Our GUINNESS beef stew (we had to use Rickard's Red instead of Guinness unfortunately!)
Thanks again PINTREST!

Look at my Ukrainian enjoying his IRISH stew:)

So there you have it a fun food IRISH day!  I'm proud at how awesome we did at celebrating my Irish Heritage!

PS-  I did not omit the GREEN BEER... We actually didn't have any :(  I was on call the whole weekend so I missed out on the Green beer.


MR William and his SUPER COOL pose ;)

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