Families are like FUDGE- Mostly sweet with a few NUTS!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


HAPPY Wednesday everyone!

These are what we are looking at today, a lovely surprise from my hubby on Sunday!  They are so pretty!


We had a little boy who turned 3 on Feb 18 this past month!  And as precedent has proven this momma loves throwing parties!
This year Mickey Mouse came and helped us celebrate a very excited little boy's birthday.  He had been talking about his birthday since Christmas.  And although he tried to convince me several times in January that it was his birthday he finally got to celebrate it on the FAMILY DAY long weekend with some of his favorite people!
Friday night we had his friends over for a Mickey dinner party!
We served HOTDOGS (of course!)

And Mickey Mouse Cupcakes (super duper easy!)

The Kids did a Scavenger hunt with "TOODLES" and "cracked open" a Mickey Pinata both were BIG hits!  I wish I had pictures of them doing these, maybe my mom does! 
The Scavenger hunt I wasn't sure how it would go as the kids were ages from 2.5-3.5yrs.  However they were great! 
I had 4 clues that led the kids from the kitchen to basement, I made a TOODLES out of cardboard and painted it (my husband's job was to 'control' toodles)  the kids had to use 4 'tools' along the way to help find the next clues.  I totally wish I took a picture of what the clues looked like because they were pretty cute!  But this is what the clues said!
Toodles has 4 tools for you!  A pair of safety scissors, A key, a garbage bag and the MYSTERY MOUSE-KA-Tool!
Mommy has lost the cake!  And she doesn’t know where to find it!  Follow the clues and help mommy find the cake!
Clue #1
Running around is lots of fun!  Where do we keep our running shoes?  Front closet! Right!  But that clue is all tied up!  We need a Mouse-ka tool to get it down!
(use the safety scissors to cut down clue2)
Down the stairs and thru the door!  OH NO! A whole bunch of garbage!!!  We have to clean this up!  But we need something to hold the garbage!
(Use the garbage bag to clean up!)
Under the stairs, you will find the next clue!  Why it is all locked up!  How can we get it unlocked?
(use the key to open the door!)
Clue #4
Your almost there!  I hid William’s birthday cake upstairs in the MOUSEKA-Kitchen!
(Found the cake but need some candles!  Try the Mystery Mouse-ka Tool!)
(The Font I downloaded for free off the Internet.)

It was a pretty awesome day! And the little guy was tired!  Thanks to Grammy and Grandpa for helping out!

The next day we had the Family over to celebrate the birthday boy!  My parents, Clays parents, grandparents, and siblings with there significant others all came up for an afternoon of birthday celebrations!
William the Center of attention!

The cake!!!!!!  How awesome is that cake!!! My 2nd attempt at  fondant and it went WAY WAY better then first time!  Special thanks to my cousin TEAL for her encouragement and recommendations!  I even made the marshmallow fondant my self!  And people ate it, sweet but tasted good!

Present opening!  This was actually the best part of the party!  (Quick back story.  Williams BABA brought him a whole bunch of candy when she arrived, and together they filled his pockets with it, for easy sweets sneaking through out the day).
ANYWAY, William opened all his gifts and preceded to stand up and say (WITH NO PROMPTING!)  "THANK YOU, You all get a TREAT!"  and gave everyone one a candy from his pocket!  SO awesome!  I cried!

Playing with his toys.  Grandpa Rick taught him a great game "Pussy cat hunting" with a toy ball thrower gun he got as a gift... Once again, thanks Grandpa.

Had a great couple days with family! My mom and dad left Sunday morning and the RUSSELL clan headed out on to the lake for some fishing!
Grandpa Alan and William inspecting a fishing hole.

Love this Fishing tent Clay has, kept us out of the wind!

No screaming done by this kid! (Something his mommy cant claim) He was right in there picking the fish up and putting it in the hole, showing it to everyone etc. 

The Birthday went great! And I cant wait to do another one next year!  LOL actually I can wait... but it will be fun:)  I wish I had a couple more good pictures from the weekend, so mom when you read this maybe you can send me some?

A couple extra photos from the weekend....
Tessa loves her Grandpa... You should see her FREAK OUT with they pull in!

This is last weekend, we got a dump of snow!  William 'helping'

We finished the rest of the parking pad and this is what William had 'completed'; not bad for a 3yr old :)

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