Families are like FUDGE- Mostly sweet with a few NUTS!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Looking past the 'Terrible' part of the Twos...

Over the past two weeks since my little boy turned 2, I have noticed major changes in his attitude, communication and activities!   You are always told about the TERRIBLE TWO’s!  But what about the other changes that occur when babies turn in to little people?

Things Ive noticed...
1-Counting...  We count decorative rocks in our house is a good time!  Sometimes Ill be caught off guard with little impromptu counting sessions!
(I do have a video that I wanted to share so that you didn't think I was exaggerating... But of course I cant get it uploaded!)

2-Listening to verbal instructions:  I gave clear instructions on my expectations when we visited the Library; And he actually followed them (Library visits are usually a NIGHTMARE!  Picture William running around and around the stacks as I 'whisper' "INSIDE VOICE!!!"
 We also went to the grocery store recently and Clayton told William to keep his hand on the cart.  And he did!  Yes he didn’t do it long... But for a 2 year old it was pretty good!!!

This wasn't the time he kept his hand on the cart but it was during a shopping trip!

3-Answering question’s appropriately.   "What do you do when you cross the street William?",  "Look", and then he LOOKED!!!!  
4- Remembering things.  I asked him last week after a full day at the day home, what he did that day;  "Played ball’s and kids slept" was his response.  And he started in to an elaborate story where I only really understood, 'played cars',  there was 'kids' and they 'napped' and from the animation of the story I deduced it was fun.
5- Sleep... I may be kicking my self for adding this one but William has been very good when we put him to bed lately.  Let me clarify, he is falling to sleep easier.  He is still waking some nights between 330am-530am requesting 'snacks', 'play cars' etc... 
6- Expressing preferences:  "Would you like this William?"... 'NOPE'.....  "What do you want to eat today?";"Cookies and Apple Juice". 
7-Helping out around the house.  He will help with Setting the table, if he wants too...   He is also helpful when we are ordering at the drive thru window by screaming "FRENCH FRIES AND APPLE JUICE!!!!"

After a fast food order!
8- Singing... He loves songs now, spontaneous choruses of HAPPY BIRTHDAY are common occurrences each day.
It seems  that in the last few weeks we have noticed these changes.  Its almost like the first time he walked... They just appear out of blue.  I don’t mean to allude to the idea that we haven’t had some temper tantrums and there has been some different opinions during the process of daily living.  But those are often documented.  And although we will continue to complain and feel exasperated with our parenting role at times; these other changes are glimpses into our child’s personality, and the little person he is turning in to.   Its amazing!!  

AS FOR MY "YOU CANT TURN YOUR BACK FOR A MINUTE" SEGMENT  I have missed it the past few blogs so Here is a couple to make up for it..
Caught red HANDED!!!
Action shot,  Found him with all my TP in the living room,  He used it to make a tower!
Ice Fishing... Here Fishy Fishy!
Love Daddy shoes!
Playing with the Baseball glove Bampa got him.
Playing Wii just like his daddy.

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