Families are like FUDGE- Mostly sweet with a few NUTS!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


She's not a poor
nor cold land,
No! She's a warm
and bold land.
Oh! She's a rich
and old land,
This Native Land of mine!
(The Little Big Book of Ireland)

St Patrick's day, is traditionally a day for a religious feast to honor St Patrick  who was a bishop who worked in Ireland to 'Chirstianize' the Pagan Irish.  Over the years this day became a celebration of Ireland it self.  (Yes I googled this little fact).  I felt that it was my duty to ensure I had a good grasp on what St Patrick's day was as I have enjoyed celebrating it over the years!!! 

I have splashes of Irish in my blood.  My Great Grandma and Grandpa Duggan (GGma and GG pa) were born and raised in Ireland.  Therefore many of the well known and revered character traits associated with the Irish can be found within me and my family.  We are good hearted, helpful, fun, have fiery tempers, never forget, can drink almost anyone under the table and have been known to dance upon said table!!!

In 2007 Clayton, my cousin Teal and myself travelled to Ireland for some good old fashion fun! I learnt lots about the Irish culture on this trip! 

Kissing the Blarney Stone... Getting the gift of the GAB!!! Thank god because I am WAY TOO QUIET!!  HA HA
 I still remember one night we were out with a couple we met on our trip looking for a place that served anything but POTATOES!!   We asked this one gentleman in a pub if he knew of a good place to eat something other then potatoes... He gave us a weird look, laughed and said "good luck!"   I think that night we ate our potatoes roasted!

Teal and I the first night in Dublin!

Hanging with Molly!
 I think Clayton's favorite part of the trip was the Guinness.  I know a general wave of disgusted just passed through your head didn't it!  However you really can't judge Guinness beer unless you have tasted it from an authentic Guinness tap!!! 

Teal may have a different opinion on how good Guinness tastes!
Now that I have a son, I have shifted my St Patty's day focus from Green Beer to teaching William about our heritage!!!  Maybe not as 'roudy' but still fun! We decorated up the house yesterday.  Shamrocks are rocking my house right now!!!

(HISTORY LESSON:  It was said the St Patrick used the Shamrock to explain the idea of the HOLY TRINITY.    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Patrick's_Day  )

Anyway... William loved putting on the window decals.  Today we are going to color a St Patty's coloring page (I googled 'St patty's coloring pages'.)  And I'm still deciding if turning tonight's chicken green is a 'yeah' or 'nay'?!?
William has been learning his colors lately, and he often gets green and blue mixed up,  So today has been a perfect way of reinforcing which is which!

 (HISTORY LESSON:  Initially BLUE was associated with St Patty's day because Green was thought to be unlucky- Rumor was the "good People" (fairies) would steal children who wore too much green!!!  Something to think about!!!)

So a HAPPY ST PATTY'S DAY TO YOU!  (***imagine me saying this in a Irish accent***)  I hope you all are wearing your green, and enjoying in some sort of celebration of the RICH history and culture of IRELAND!

On a Side Note...
Here is a snip of our adventure last night!

IT WAS HAIRCUT NIGHT!!! Williams is a little short unfortunately... And I say that because this is only his 2nd hair cut ever... so it will take a while to grow out!

I was so excited last night because I dyed my hair... BLONDE!  Didn't turn out like I expected... Slightly lighter but basically just my natural color... DAMN me for having such amazing natural hi-lights and low-lights!!

Sometimes you have to watch husbands too!!!

1 comment:

  1. Haha. Well you spelt ROWDY wrong...Just cuz I know it wouldn't be a blog without alittle criticsm from one of your fans!
