Families are like FUDGE- Mostly sweet with a few NUTS!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Passing the time, maintaining sanity

OMG!  Is winter over yet????

I don't think that we will ever see green grass again!!!  Winter has over stayed its welcome, and from my conversations with friends, family and stranger's, I'm not the only one that is ready to sucker-punch Winter in its FACE!!!

The Russell's are desperately trying to keep our sanity amongst all this white.  Some days are better then others.

Clay celebrated his Birthday March 21.  We kept it a small party of 3.  Clay took William fishing the Sunday before (like father, like son- William loves fishing just doesn't have the endurance yet!)  My husband being the man he is told me his favorite food was Pizza and carrot cake.  So all I really had to do was find Panago's phone number and figure out how to  use my food processor to shred the carrots for the cake.  The cake turned out well, (http://www.kraftcanada.com/en/recipes/all-time-favourite-carrot-cake-85365.aspx)   Ive made this one before and it was awesome.  This time I tried to cut the fat by cutting the oil,  I used 1c of apple sauce and 1/4c of Oil (instead of 1- 1/4c of oil).  Still got tonnes of compliments but I felt it was a little moist, so next time I would just do the apple sauce.

 Hanging out on Dad's "car bed", the "car bed" has actually made it in the house several times since this, and has been the source of several disagreements between us and William.
 "click!"  LOL first time he did this... SO FREAKING FUNNY!
 That's right 25!!! + 3 years old!  The icing didn't turn out well In my opinion,  I haven't done cream cheese icing for a while!  (I made special little cake's with Cool Whip for my Allergy child.)

So as I was saying we are kinda home bound due to the sidewalks being impassible and waist high snow in our back yard.  I cant really take the stroller out, so the sled is getting use.  I can't take William out to the back yard as he will be swallowed by the snow.  We go "swimmin in the water" about once a week , we still take some walks with the sled and Tessa.   But mostly sit inside the house and google warm vacation ideas.
William has been finding "art projects" through out the house... This was my favorite:
 Thank god for google!!! After my initial freak out.  I googled "How to remove Sharpie" and found an idea to use tooth paste!  It needed some elbow grease but it all came off!

With all the "time" I have to dream about warmer weather, I have been planning ideas for my garden.  I'm thinking about container gardening this year.  And really wanted to attempt to grow some tomato plant's from seed. So after talking to my mom and finding out I should have started these things from seed in February, I took a trip to Walmart and picked up an indoor "greenhouse" for me and William to start some Tomatoes and cucumbers. (I'm not too sure about the cucumbers and only got them because they were called "Green Cucumber Dragons" with a dragon on the package and thought William would like the whimsy of it.  I don't think he actually noticed).
 Filling the greenhouse with water to expand the peat pellets!  William called them cookies, and yes, he tried to put them in his mouth.
 Expanding the peat pellets... Or baking the "cookies"
 William decorating the Popsicle stick labels for the greenhouse.
Finished PRODUCT!!!

Lets hope they grow!  It will be interesting to see if my Mother's green thumb has been passed down to me.
It was a great little project for us this morning to help break up the boring-ness!  And although William was more in to trying to eat the peat pellets I think that over the next weeks he will be excited to watch the little plants grow and I'm excited to see the color GREEN AGAIN!

What do you do to help pass the long winter months??

Thursday, March 17, 2011


She's not a poor
nor cold land,
No! She's a warm
and bold land.
Oh! She's a rich
and old land,
This Native Land of mine!
(The Little Big Book of Ireland)

St Patrick's day, is traditionally a day for a religious feast to honor St Patrick  who was a bishop who worked in Ireland to 'Chirstianize' the Pagan Irish.  Over the years this day became a celebration of Ireland it self.  (Yes I googled this little fact).  I felt that it was my duty to ensure I had a good grasp on what St Patrick's day was as I have enjoyed celebrating it over the years!!! 

I have splashes of Irish in my blood.  My Great Grandma and Grandpa Duggan (GGma and GG pa) were born and raised in Ireland.  Therefore many of the well known and revered character traits associated with the Irish can be found within me and my family.  We are good hearted, helpful, fun, have fiery tempers, never forget, can drink almost anyone under the table and have been known to dance upon said table!!!

In 2007 Clayton, my cousin Teal and myself travelled to Ireland for some good old fashion fun! I learnt lots about the Irish culture on this trip! 

Kissing the Blarney Stone... Getting the gift of the GAB!!! Thank god because I am WAY TOO QUIET!!  HA HA
 I still remember one night we were out with a couple we met on our trip looking for a place that served anything but POTATOES!!   We asked this one gentleman in a pub if he knew of a good place to eat something other then potatoes... He gave us a weird look, laughed and said "good luck!"   I think that night we ate our potatoes roasted!

Teal and I the first night in Dublin!

Hanging with Molly!
 I think Clayton's favorite part of the trip was the Guinness.  I know a general wave of disgusted just passed through your head didn't it!  However you really can't judge Guinness beer unless you have tasted it from an authentic Guinness tap!!! 

Teal may have a different opinion on how good Guinness tastes!
Now that I have a son, I have shifted my St Patty's day focus from Green Beer to teaching William about our heritage!!!  Maybe not as 'roudy' but still fun! We decorated up the house yesterday.  Shamrocks are rocking my house right now!!!

(HISTORY LESSON:  It was said the St Patrick used the Shamrock to explain the idea of the HOLY TRINITY.    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Patrick's_Day  )

Anyway... William loved putting on the window decals.  Today we are going to color a St Patty's coloring page (I googled 'St patty's coloring pages'.)  And I'm still deciding if turning tonight's chicken green is a 'yeah' or 'nay'?!?
William has been learning his colors lately, and he often gets green and blue mixed up,  So today has been a perfect way of reinforcing which is which!

 (HISTORY LESSON:  Initially BLUE was associated with St Patty's day because Green was thought to be unlucky- Rumor was the "good People" (fairies) would steal children who wore too much green!!!  Something to think about!!!)

So a HAPPY ST PATTY'S DAY TO YOU!  (***imagine me saying this in a Irish accent***)  I hope you all are wearing your green, and enjoying in some sort of celebration of the RICH history and culture of IRELAND!

On a Side Note...
Here is a snip of our adventure last night!

IT WAS HAIRCUT NIGHT!!! Williams is a little short unfortunately... And I say that because this is only his 2nd hair cut ever... so it will take a while to grow out!

I was so excited last night because I dyed my hair... BLONDE!  Didn't turn out like I expected... Slightly lighter but basically just my natural color... DAMN me for having such amazing natural hi-lights and low-lights!!

Sometimes you have to watch husbands too!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Looking past the 'Terrible' part of the Twos...

Over the past two weeks since my little boy turned 2, I have noticed major changes in his attitude, communication and activities!   You are always told about the TERRIBLE TWO’s!  But what about the other changes that occur when babies turn in to little people?

Things Ive noticed...
1-Counting...  We count decorative rocks in our house is a good time!  Sometimes Ill be caught off guard with little impromptu counting sessions!
(I do have a video that I wanted to share so that you didn't think I was exaggerating... But of course I cant get it uploaded!)

2-Listening to verbal instructions:  I gave clear instructions on my expectations when we visited the Library; And he actually followed them (Library visits are usually a NIGHTMARE!  Picture William running around and around the stacks as I 'whisper' "INSIDE VOICE!!!"
 We also went to the grocery store recently and Clayton told William to keep his hand on the cart.  And he did!  Yes he didn’t do it long... But for a 2 year old it was pretty good!!!

This wasn't the time he kept his hand on the cart but it was during a shopping trip!

3-Answering question’s appropriately.   "What do you do when you cross the street William?",  "Look", and then he LOOKED!!!!  
4- Remembering things.  I asked him last week after a full day at the day home, what he did that day;  "Played ball’s and kids slept" was his response.  And he started in to an elaborate story where I only really understood, 'played cars',  there was 'kids' and they 'napped' and from the animation of the story I deduced it was fun.
5- Sleep... I may be kicking my self for adding this one but William has been very good when we put him to bed lately.  Let me clarify, he is falling to sleep easier.  He is still waking some nights between 330am-530am requesting 'snacks', 'play cars' etc... 
6- Expressing preferences:  "Would you like this William?"... 'NOPE'.....  "What do you want to eat today?";"Cookies and Apple Juice". 
7-Helping out around the house.  He will help with Setting the table, if he wants too...   He is also helpful when we are ordering at the drive thru window by screaming "FRENCH FRIES AND APPLE JUICE!!!!"

After a fast food order!
8- Singing... He loves songs now, spontaneous choruses of HAPPY BIRTHDAY are common occurrences each day.
It seems  that in the last few weeks we have noticed these changes.  Its almost like the first time he walked... They just appear out of blue.  I don’t mean to allude to the idea that we haven’t had some temper tantrums and there has been some different opinions during the process of daily living.  But those are often documented.  And although we will continue to complain and feel exasperated with our parenting role at times; these other changes are glimpses into our child’s personality, and the little person he is turning in to.   Its amazing!!  

AS FOR MY "YOU CANT TURN YOUR BACK FOR A MINUTE" SEGMENT  I have missed it the past few blogs so Here is a couple to make up for it..
Caught red HANDED!!!
Action shot,  Found him with all my TP in the living room,  He used it to make a tower!
Ice Fishing... Here Fishy Fishy!
Love Daddy shoes!
Playing with the Baseball glove Bampa got him.
Playing Wii just like his daddy.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Birthday Extravaganza number 2!

Weekend number 2 of our birthday celebration's!!!
We headed down to Airdrie on a Thursday evening.  Friday we got to visit some friend's that we haven't seen for a long time!  Clay's sister Candice and her boyfriend Dustin came out too and hung with William.  As all aunties do she totally spoiled William!

We held a birthday bash for William for my side of the family at my Mom and Dad's place in Airdrie.
A simple party with decorations, cake, food, presents, family and a couple of crazy 2 year olds!

He got so many wonderful gifts!  Thanks to everyone who spoiled my son!!

After gifts we did cake!  William knew exactly what to do this time!  Hunter and Stetson enjoyed the cake too, although Stetson wasn't suppose to have any, he snuck a taste when his mommy wasn't looking!  HA HA.

William enjoyed hanging out with his cousin's and especially liked playing with Mac.  William insisted on playing "Hockey" all day with Mac,  Mac was exhausted!  But it really took the pressure off of me and Clayton!  Thanks KIDDO!

Although maybe not as elaborate as the first weekend , everything was wonderful!  Thanks to everyone who came out these past weekends to celebrate this 2 year milestone in our little boy's life!  We are grateful for all our wonderful family and friends!

A family Picture from the weekend...