Its the Friday before Halloween. Halloween is one of my favorite "holidays". I love dressing up, Clayton, William, my house and me! Usually I plan costumes months advance. This year I had the idea's but found out that I was to work Halloween weekend this year so I put off making the costumes until one of my WONDERFUL co-worker's helped me out and switched shifts with me!
So 5 day's before Halloween I was slaving over my sewing machine attempting to make my son's Diego costume. For those who know me you understand what a hilarious sight this is. (side note- I bought my sewing machine about 4years ago, I have used it approx 3 times since then. The 3rd time being 3 day's ago.) So as you can deduce I am not a seamstress. However as all mothers do I pulled out my sewing machine dusted it off and sat down to create a masterpiece for my little Diego. After several mis-attempts and a couple bad words, I decide that there was nothing else I could possible do to make this costume any "better".
Having a son that is allergic to absolutely "everything", I realize that Halloween may not be as fun for him as it is for most kids. Its not like he is going to be able to eat all the trick-or-treat candy. So I want to find other fun ways to celebrate Halloween. Luckily Whitecourt has a great Rec Center that puts on children's programs, including a Halloween party for kids under 5.
So this morning we loaded up and headed to the AJ Center for some Halloween fun. William looked pretty cute in his homemade costume, and although it wasn't the best costume there I was proud of my attempt! The party was fun, minus the 3 temper tantrums and the fact that William almost pelted some poor little girl in the head with a bucket ( a source for one tantrum). William seemed to know exactly what candy was and luckily was able to have a sucker. But it was fun, a great program for little kids, and great exercise for there parents!!
We will be hosting a family Halloween party this weekend (an attempt to include non-candy activities in to our Halloween celebrations). I will post pictures of our costumes as we have coordinated as a family this year again. Cheesy I know but may as well do it while we can, soon my 'little Diego' will be choosing his own costumes and my creative skills will be once again tested.
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