A little catch up as it has been a busy month! Been down to Calgary/Airdrie almost every weekend for events. But had some time to enjoy the heat with frequent visits to the local splash park, a visit to the beach and many water fights! I signed up for a boot camp which is totally KICKING my @$$!!! I am OK when I get to class, want to cry half way through, and can barely move the next day. So I guess I like it ;). Its really cool actually because we work out in a local park and I can take William and he gets to play with other kids and there is a babysitter there to watch the kids!
ROAD TRIP! William and Joey on our way from Whitecourt-Lacombe, last trip. These too had a lot of fun on our "road trip". We saw big diggers and Joey educated us on there REAL names. We saw a train and lots of animals. PLUS We made up our own 'Road trip' theme song... It goes like this...
"Road trip, road trip, we are driving in a car.
Road trip, road trip, we are going really far.
Road trip, road trip, we are seeing lots of things.
Road trip, road trip, we all feel like KINGS!"
My Mom and us on our first walk in Lacombe.
Baba feeding William a Breakfast of Champions (Cool whip... I'm not sure if much else was ingested) before we left the Whitecourt house for the last time
Our 3rd house!
Clay gets to move home after his last week in WESTLOCK on June 28. Almost 3 weeks after we moved. SOOOOO happy he is home! His new job is going well he has been in Sylvan Lake the past few weeks. Its a bit of an adjustment him being home all the time, but not a bad adjustment... I have to start cooking for a family again and not just me. Not that I didn't TRY to cook for my 3 year old... He doesn't like my cooking, its "yucky" according the 3year old, he mostly lives on pancakes, Popsicles and broccoli (Yes, he wont touch my homemade pizza but broccoli he will almost ALWAYS eat!)
We have been busy on outdoor "projects". Here is another FAMOUS QUOTE of mine, (that will most likely BITE me in the Butt again one day!). I WILL NEVER BUY A HOUSE That isn't SODDED again!
The before shot of back yard... Isn't it lush and green with WEEDS!!! What a mess! Our sodding plans were quickly derailed the first weekend we moved in as we had to deal with a jungle of weeds before we could think about laying sod.
The inevitable "unexpected" expense (one of a few). The yard was such a mess we had to get a 'professional' in to prep the back yard.
The start... 3hrs of sodding done by 2 people... YOU NEED AN ARMY TO DO THIS! It was a HUGE job on our own. Really didn't help that the sod was cut only minutes before being loaded on to our truck, and been rained on the day before. IT WAS WET WET WET!
Relief! Done... Now to rack up the water bills!
Almost done... For this year. We have a guy coming to pour a cement pad for the walk out in the next week then we are done... for this year. (Insert exasperated sign here, if only we didn't have such high expectations of our yard... A broken down old couch and a pile of beer cans would be much easier to maintain).
Canada Day Parade, Airdrie. 4 very good little boys watched the parade and collected candy!
Grammy and William having some fun in the Yard on a warm summer day!
Just a little warm... I'm not complaining... We only get a little bit of summer every year! I was trying to remember this when it was only 0.2 degrees difference inside and out.
OMG.... Phenomenal! AMAZING!
BEST Concert Ive EVER EVER been too!
There is something about a Guy in a BLACK cowboy hat!
Look at my two Hotties!
Hope you are enjoying your SUMMER!
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