Its officially FALL! The trees have turned, the air is crisp and the Harvest is winding down. I had a busy ushering in of Fall this year thanks to our hard work during the spring and summer my garden did extremely well... Actually maybe a little too well!! With my hubby gone to Fort St John, BC for work since the beginning of august I was left to labor independently in the yard this fall. Of course being the crazy person that I am I may have over committed a couple times with little "side" projects. However its over now and I have learnt some valuable lessons, including what I can handle and what I want to do! (In regards to yard work and projects ;))
Here is a before and after look at the Russell family's Summer/Fall.
Nominated for our Community in Bloom competition. We didn't win but got a free meal! |
The tip of the ice burg!!!! |
Salsa and Apple sauce. To help control the tomato harvest, I made 2 batches of salsa, have froze/gave away tomatoes and still have 1/2 a Superstore bin left of tomatoes! |
An example of me over committing. My friend and I decided to make Apple jelly/ Apple sauce. We picked 4-5gallon buckets of crab apples from our friends tree. In hindsight 2 buckets would have been sufficient. And yes that is smoke. We had a COUPLE mishaps with boiling jelly over... Thanks Joe and Tiff for your hard work cleaning up! |
Jelly and Pickled Beets. Lots of work, but so YUMMY |
OVER COMMITMENT TO "small" Projects
Potty Training. |
The daily laundry pile! And my basket of clean clothes to change in to after accidents. |
Its a work in progress! 2months, doing pretty good with one aspect... and not so good with the 2nd!
Hair cut
William learnt to walk the dog and Ride his bike. (FYI He usually always wears a Helmet ) William also feeds the dog. He is becoming a very good helper to Mom since Dad has been gone.
Our bike rides remain but toques, jackets and mitts are becoming more frequent guests. |
The yard is all cleaned up ready to sit under feet and feet of snow!
And here we go TRUCKING in to Fall!
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