Families are like FUDGE- Mostly sweet with a few NUTS!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Evidence to Support my Claim of SPRING!!!!

I have been walking on egg shells the past few weeks, afraid to say out loud what my mind and heart keep telling me.  However I feel that I have collected enough evidence to fully support my hypothesis, that SPRING IS HERE!  I know there are skeptics out there and understand that many feel that this statement is risky.  So please keep an open mind and read the following analysis of my findings.

1-The snow is melting... YES IT IS!!!! I can actually see GRASS!!  It may have "snow mold" and be covered in dirt and sand, but its grass and my husband assures me that the dirty-ness will be washed away soon!  Another way I know that the snow is melting (besides the fact that my Grass is visible) is because of the lake we have been diverting out in front of our driveway.  See we live on the side of the street that does not have a side walk.  Therefore it is where all the snow is piled from the snow plow.  Permanent 6 ft snow piles have marked the entrance to our drive way all winter.  These driveway guardians have began to melt causing a large "Loch" to develop at the entrance of our drive.  Last week we spent time each night diverting our water to flow from our driveway down the street to the drain.  Well in all honestly it never really made it "down the street", it actually just collected in our neighbors driveway, (oops, but Its not our fault we ALL have to contribute to "Loch" maintaince in order to keep our street welcoming!)

2- Mud boots and Splash pants are making a comeback!  "Go play in the water?!?!" With the snow returning to its liquid state, amazing splashing opportunities have developed!!  And mud boots and splash pants have became a must on any walk.  William is pretty much set, a new pair of mud boots have been obtained and his Splash pants from last year have been pulled out although alittle short they are servicable.  Prior to being a Mother you would not have caught me dead in a pair of rubber boots.  In my defence when I think of rubber boots I think of heavy black rubber shoes covered in manure that your foot would slide out of while walking across mucky corrals.  (For those who may not have realized, I grew up on a farm).  However I was pleasantly surprised to see rubbers with attractive designs covering women's feet over the past few years!  Now that I usually have to go rescue a wet toddler from the grip of  particularly deep puddles I feel my vanity needs to stand aside for the practicality of dry feet.  So we visited the local WALMART to buy a new pair of mud pants for William and for me to find a stylish pair of "rubbers", but they were sold out!   Ahhh small town living!!  So I am destined for wet feet this year, as once again I didn't jump on the MUD BOOT and SPLASH PANT trend early enough!

3- The Hermits have emerged!  I never really realized how detached people get from the outside world during the long winter months.  Now that the thermostat reads above 0 on most days, (and the side walks are mostly passable) more people are peaking there pasty white faces out of there homes and turning their noses in to the sunshine!  I also suffered from "HERMIT-ISM" this winter, and am embarrassed to say how pasty white my skin is!  People are venturing out poking around there lawns, walking down the sidewalk, PLUS they have the summer stuff out at the Walmart, and the garden center in the parking lot is starting to be assembled!  If that's not proof that spring is here I don't know what is!!!  LOL!

4- Canadian Geese have came back!!! Saturday we seen a huge flock of geese fly over head.  And yesterday I had to have a discussion with William why we cant go over and play with the geese in the field.  Tessa and I also had to have that discussion.

In conclusion, the evidence that I have described above conclusively shows that the white, dull, dry, blistery cold winter season has lost its hold and Spring has began to transform the dirty misery left behind.  I cant wait to see my first flower!!!!


I may not have trendy rubber boots but Thanks to my Favorite designer "Will-i-am" I have fancy indoor shoes!

"Go swim in the Water, buddy?"  William asked, and I turned around to see he was already dressed and ready to go!

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