Families are like FUDGE- Mostly sweet with a few NUTS!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Cabin Fever

Its been only a couple short weeks since we returned from our trip and we have more then once wished for the warm sun and sandy beaches of California or anywhere for that matter!

More snow than I have ever seen has graced our part of the world!  We have been scraping, shovelling and cursing the fluffy white stuff.  Which is not as light and fluffy as it appears to be!  Snow piles over 8 feet tall skirt our front yard thanks to the town's snowplows.  Our back yard is impassable, the meter guy made the perilous trek once and our dog has packed down a couple tracks to make backyard play almost possible.

William venturing out in to the snow covered back yard.

Our "Volcano", named by William, Our very own sledding hill!
Winter-y Fun!

Scary Sight!  Clayton out our front window,  He is face to face to me, approx 6 feet from the ground.
The snow and lack of sun has limited our energy levels and in turn our activities have moved indoors.  We have been using the Library card and checking out lots of DVDs, spending our days keeping warm in the house.  Not all has been idle, we have kept busy-

 William has taken up writing.  Unfortunately not always on paper.  And sometimes the crayons are more snacks then writing utensils.
 William has also taken up music... He enjoys rocking out with his Guitar...
 And exploring the creative world of fashion.
 Clayton has been trying to keep the Disney Magic alive...
And I finished decorating/designing Williams big boy room.  And have completely moved William into it.  William hasn't slept in his crib since we returned from our trip and although some nights we are chasing him back to bed for 2hours he is sleeping all night in his room and really loves it!  ( I love it too!!!!)

The Weather man seems to think that we wont be seeing the grass anytime soon, so we will continue to plug along.  Trying to stay warm and keep our sanity as we find ways of curing our cabin fever!

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