Families are like FUDGE- Mostly sweet with a few NUTS!

Monday, December 12, 2011



Its that time of year again!!!  Merry Christmas everyone!  We have started spreading the cheer!  Christmas decorations have been put out, cookie exchange completed, Christmas movies running, Christmas shopping... Well I'm almost done! 

Check out us Decking our Halls!

Its Time!!!

Looking good babe!


Tessa helps too!


My Christmas Village

New addition include a train around the tree... Yep its loud and annoying!

Angel window

William as most of you know loves decorating (not sure where he got that from) so he did a great job helping!

After a week of sickness... we are getting back on track to celebrate holidays this year with family.  Hosting a big family dinner at our place on Christmas day is going to be the climax of our holiday season this year!  And our little boy is super excited about Christmas, and although he has been flirting with being naughty or nice, I'm pretty sure he will end up on the nice list and get spoiled rotten this year. 

Hope you all enjoy this special time of year!  We are glowing in the warm light of our Christmas tree, enjoying long hours of cuddling on the couch watching Christmas movies and smiling (and tearing up too) when William bursts in to tears during Mickey's Christmas when Pluto knocks the Christmas tree over and ruins Christmas.

Happy Holiday's from our family to yours! 
Enjoy your celebrations safely!
And Remember what this season is really about!

Friday, November 11, 2011


Why Wear a Poppy Poem by Don Crawford

“Please wear a Poppy”, the lady said and
... held one forth, but I shook my head, Then I stopped and watched as she offered them there,
And her face was old and lined with care;
But beneath the scars the years had made
There remained a smile that refused to fade.
A boy came whistling down the street,
Bouncing along on carefree feet,
His smile was full of joy and fun:
“Lady”, said he, “May I have one”?
When she pinned it on he turned to say,
“Why do we wear a poppy today”?

The lady smiled in her wistful way,
And answered, “This is Remembrance Day,
And the poppy there is a symbol for
The gallant men who died in war,
And because they did, you and I are free,
That’s why we wear the poppy, you see”.

I had a boy about your size,
With golden hair and big blue eyes.
He loved to play and jump and shout,
Free as a bird he would race about.
As the years went by he learned and grew,
And became a man – as you will, too.
But the war went on and he had to stay,
And all I could do was wait and pray.
His letters told of the awful fight,
(I can see it still in my dreams at night)
With the tanks and guns and cruel barbed wire, and the mines and bullets, the bombs and fire.

“Till at last, at last, the war was won –
And that’s why we wear a poppy, son.”
The small boy turned as if to go,
Then said, “Thanks lady, I’m glad to know,
That sure did sound like an awful fight,
But your son – did he come back all right?”

A tear rolled down each faded cheek:
She shook her head but didn’t speak.
I slunk away in a sort of shame,
And if you were me you’d have done the same:
For our thanks, in giving, is often delayed
Through our freedom was bought
And thousands paid.

And so when we see a poppy worn,
Let us reflect on the burden borne,
By those who gave their very all,
When asked to answer their country’s call.
That we at home in peace might live.

Then wear a poppy,


And give

We remembered the brave men and women that served our country today.  We made a special poster about our family members who served in WWI and WWII.  We have 8 brave men in our family who served in WWI and WWII: 

William henry preston-wwi-164th Battalion, lorne scots (machine gunner)-returned home safely

Rodolphe (rudy) Bousquet-wwi- wounded, Returned home safely
John Hutchison-wwi-royal enginers. Returned home safely
James(jimmy) Hutchison-wwi-r.a.f. returned home safely
Sam bousquet- wwi-Returned home safely
ELBERT BOUSQUET-WWii-Died March 2, 1944 age:21. (pilot officer, England Rcaf-lancaster bombers)

Roy elmer preston-wwii, petty officer, aircraft nabob.-injured, returned home safely.

Harry lay-wwii-r.s.m-seaforth highlanders-wounded/injured, returned home safely
The making of the poster:


Getting ready for the Parade this AM.

Its slushy/gross out!

Got too Cold, had to sit in the truck and watch the men parade by.  William Kept asking "whats that guy doing?" Me" He's marching in the parade."  William "whats that guy doing?" Me"marching.", William " whats that guy doing?", me "sigh".

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


The build up to Halloween this year was huge for our little household!  William became infatuated with the "blow up decorations" that began littering the lawn's of our neighbors after Thanksgiving.  We literally had to drive around 3-4 nights a week to check out peoples decorations for the last few weeks leading up to OCT 31.  I broke down and decided that I may save on gas if I just bought a "blow up Decoration" for our front lawn.  The plan kinda back-fired, because not only were we still scoping out every blow up Halloween decoration in our town, we also had daily "discussions" (several times a day) on when our blow up candy-corn decoration was to be turned on, and who was going to do it. 
(our Blow up 'Candy Corn)

We carved pumpkins when my parents came up the weekend before the 'BIG DAY' and headed to the AJ center for the kid's Halloween party.

  Then the day arrived!  William wore his costume all day on the 31st at his babysitters for there costume party, then promptly blew out of his pull up when we got home so we had to do emergency laundry prior to heading out on our first official trick or treating adventure!  

William and his friends quickly got the hang of it, and soon William didn't even wait for people to open the door before he opened it and tried walking in!  The kids did well, made it over 1/2 way around the block before melt downs started and the temperature dropped below freezing.  Surprisingly William could have at least half of his trick-or-treating candy with his allergies!  So that left a little for Clay and my self to pick at, plus all the extra stuff I collected in case William was allergic to the candy he got. 

As you can see we did a theme, this year.  We had the boys as the Super Mario brothers.  I dressed up as the Piranha Plant and my friend wore a "GAME OVER" sign.  For some reason I don't have any pictures of my costume... I'm always behind the Camera!

Halloween decorations came down today, and William and I had the discussion of why no more blow-up decorations are up.  We most likely will continue to have this conversation daily until all the Christmas stuff is up.  Oh GOD HELP ME! 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Before and After: The Summer/Fall Edition

Its officially FALL!  The trees have turned, the air is crisp and the Harvest is winding down.  I had a busy ushering in of Fall this year thanks to our hard work during the spring and summer my garden did extremely well... Actually maybe a little too well!!  With my hubby gone to Fort St John, BC for work since the beginning of august I was left to labor independently in the yard this fall.  Of course being the crazy person that I am I may have over committed a couple times with little "side" projects.  However its over now and I have learnt some valuable lessons, including what I can handle and what I want to do!  (In regards to yard work and projects ;))

Here is a before and after look at the Russell family's Summer/Fall.




Nominated for our Community in Bloom competition.  We didn't win but got a free meal!

The tip of the ice burg!!!!

Salsa and Apple sauce.  To help control the tomato harvest,  I made 2 batches of salsa, have froze/gave away tomatoes and still have 1/2 a Superstore bin left of tomatoes!

An example of me over committing.  My friend and I decided to make Apple jelly/ Apple sauce.  We picked 4-5gallon buckets of crab apples from our friends tree.  In hindsight 2 buckets would have been sufficient.  And yes that is smoke.  We had a COUPLE mishaps with boiling jelly over... Thanks Joe and Tiff for your hard work cleaning up!

Jelly and Pickled Beets.  Lots of work, but so YUMMY


OVER COMMITMENT TO "small" Projects
Cleaning and organizing the Car.  Thanks once again to http://orgjunkie.com/blog

Potty Training.

The daily laundry pile!  And my basket of clean clothes to change in to after accidents.
Its a work in progress!  2months, doing pretty good with one aspect... and not so good with the 2nd!

Hair cut

William learnt to walk the dog and Ride his bike.  (FYI He usually always wears a Helmet )
William also feeds the dog.  He is becoming a very good helper to Mom since Dad has been gone.

Our bike rides remain  but toques, jackets and mitts are becoming more frequent guests.

The yard is all cleaned up ready to sit under feet and feet of snow!

And here we go TRUCKING in to Fall!