Families are like FUDGE- Mostly sweet with a few NUTS!

Monday, April 23, 2012

The "plan" is OFFICIAL

Well as you can see its been a busy month! 

For those who dont know we OFFICIALLY sold our house this past week!  So end of June we will be relocating down to Lacombe, AB

I am very glad the house is sold because it is very hard to live in a SHOW-READY home with a 3 year old, and 2 cats and a dog!  Poor William wasnt able to do much playing over the past few weeks!

But it payed off because 27 days later the house is sold and our plans are on track! 

Now we can enjoy our last few months in Whitecourt and in our house (which we will miss)

Beautiful weather this weekend and my Boys took advantage of it!
William has had the back door open and has been out in the yard almost all day today, I forgot how much this kid LOVES the outdoors!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Bikes to sleds? NO WAY!

Spring Teased us this week.  The snow had almost completely melted from the roads and sidewalks.  So out our bikes came!

Our first Bike of 2012.
A nice long Ride!
William didnt make it the whole ride... he fell asleep about half way through.
Tessa was tired for 2 days... She may be slightly outta shape due to our sluggish winter attitudes.

William got his bike out too this week.  He went all the way around the block!  Such a trooper, especially on the $2 garage sale trike that has the crooked wheel.  He loves to bike and we have been debating what to do for William this summer, since his current Tricyle is pretty sad looking.  He has a BIG WHEEL trike we got him 2 years ago, but he cant reach the peddles yet.  He is alittle small for a 'big boy bike', so we may have to find a better tricyle for him this year.

Such nice weather, then we wake up this morning to a blizzard!!  Its not suppose to be very nice weather this week, but the sun in shining now and the snow that fell this morning is melting!  MELT SNOW MELT!  Your not welcome!

The rest of the weekend has included cleaning... Our house is on the market (for those who didn't know)  And we are currently trying to keep the house spotless for showings.  Not so easy with all our critters and a 3 year old.  Luckily he likes to clean... See him help me out by wiping the chairs off. 


PINTREST my new love!!! I found this awesome idea for hot dogs with

OMG!!!  So cool!
 spaghetti in them. 

 We had them for lunch today.  Great for kids!

Ive been trying tonnes of ideas that Ive found on PINTREST lately!  Watch for future posts with all my awesome great 'Pinning' experiments!