As I'm sure you figured out SUMMER IS HERE!!!! And with summer comes busy days, BBQ nights and lots of FUN! Unfortunately its a short season in this part of the country!! Therefore I will just warn you that I may not write many blogs over the next few months, as I attempt to squeeze every ounce of summer out of June, July and August!!!
As a quick up date we are all doing well. William and Clayton's Farmer tan's are coming along nicely, Mine is not quite started, but should be coming along nicely by the end of the June. We have been busy busy in the yard. We undertook a big project and made a garden along the back fence in May, which took a lot of evenings to dig out the countless large rocks and clay to make room for 'growing soil'!!! Now that all the planting is done we just have to watch it grow!!! And pick weeds!!! we have already taken the trailer out 2 times and are looking forward to a few more camping trips this summer!
Ill end this short blog entry with a couple pictures of our yard, I'm pretty happy with how things are looking right now! Just have a couple bags of mulch to spread and a couple other things to do this week!
Hope everyone has a GREAT SUMMER!!!
Looking kinda straggly right now, Started some of these from seed and they still are kinda sickly looking.
My 6$ find! Love it!
Doesn't look all that wonderful now, but have tonnes of tomatoes, beans, peas, lettuce and carrots planted!!! Actually this is a very bad picture... It looks much better then this in real life!!! lol
Calla Lily's!!! so pretty, started Sweet peas from seed around the lily, still super small! The other two pots have strawberry plants.
All my perennials came up nicely! And check out my 2 new hanging pots! I heart these cone shaped pots!!!
My $10 find!!!(2 planters for 4.79 each!) A quick project to add something different to the front door! I really like the way this turned out!
He was out playing in the dirt.
When we were camping last weekend, William and Tessa chilling out!