I have never been the person who jumps on each new trend as soon as it surfaces. I tend to follow things for a year or two and once the hype has came down I will acquire said trend. For example when growing up, Doc Marten shoes where totally IN when I was in middle school; I didn't acquire these until early in High school (they weren't really trendy (or brand name) at that point, but I liked them!); My love for designer purses came after many years of watching and waiting for the "perfect" one; My 'trendy' hair cuts are often mirror images of styles popular a year before, I'm just starting to get the "buy for quality not quantity" when choosing new clothes. And I have only recently started texting.
Often the delay in jumping on the figurative bandwagon is because of expense. If I'm going to spend "THAT MUCH" money I better really really like it! Plus I like to shop around for the best deal, and/or I am not totally trusting of my style choices so I need to "see it" to believe it!
The reason for this reflection is due to Clayton and my most recent extravagance. Yes everyone, the time has came... I am now a proud owner of an iPhone! Although we bought a iPod a couple years ago, it has became Clayton's more or less so this iPhone is my very FIRST endeavour in to the Apple family!
I have been pretty please with myself. My new phone doesn't leave my side, I have downloaded many free "apps", including a pocket mirror app, ibooks, and a handy little flashlight! I primarily have been using the iPhone to feed my FACEBOOK addiction and have been texting, oh have I been texting! I also have just finished reading Pride and Prejudice on it. I heart my new iPhone! It is so fun, and I feel so amazing for having one! HAHAHA!
Clay also got a new phone, his is not the coveted iPhone but is a Smart phone and he really loves it too. You can find us spending quality time with each other checking facebook on the couch or exploring new features at the supper table.
Although I my dear iPhone can do no wrong in my eyes, it cannot be deemed "perfect". I seem to be having technical difficulties using it as an actual "phone". It seems to drop calls often. However I will not let these blemishes tarnish my good opinion. I am quite content with my decision on this purchase and will continue to savior my iPhone relationship!
Due to the excitement of the new addition to my life I have not been taking many pictures. So I don't have a picture for this week's "Cant turn your Back for a Minute" segment. However I do have a story....
Last night Clayton and I were catching up on our favorite TV show "How I met Your Mother" down stairs. William was hanging around with us when we heard him go upstairs. As it is not unusual for him to go up stairs and get some toy he needs or item he wants, we didn't think much of it. Sure enough as we expected we heard him coming back down the stairs minutes later and he ran right to us with a pudding in his hand. He handed us the pudding and just as we were about to say "sorry buddy, can't have this until snack" he revealed to us what was in his other hand... A steak KNIFE!!!! The shocked look and gasps of horror that escaped Clayton and my lips were soon echoed by hysterical laughter that is only appropriate after such a horrifying scary experience! William had obviously attempted to reach in to the utensil drawer for a spoon to eat the pudding he desired. He grew allot taller then we had realized!
Just as you think you have finished baby proofing the house, you are once again amazed at the things that an Active almost-2year old can find!!